
Smed’s Offset Services in 1993 with the mission of providing honest, top-level service within the printing industry on a more personal scale. Current President and Founder, Harry Smedley Jr., has over 30 years of experience in the industry.


All Smed’s Offset Services personnel have been factory-trained on the equipment we service. We ensure machinery is properly installed and provided services are both efficient and true to factory specifications.


Factory trained by the following manufactures:

Diddelogo transparentOur overall experience is derived from the vast knowledge base ofrotatek design and product development engineers, and from all other individuals associated with the manufacturers of the equipment we service.


Smed’s Offset Services has received certification in the following:

piagatf04logo-GATF color management and print analysis
-Image fit and press alignment processes


Smed’s Offset Services is a member of the following:
